There’s no reason turf cant be laid all year round, however hard frost and snow can make it difficult to harvest turf and prepare ground too. However the next few months are probably some of the best times to lay new turf as theres no need to water, the new turf can be left to […]
Putting together, establishing and laying a new lawn from scratch is really straight forward if you can pick the right time during the year and prepare the site correctly, if not let L.C. Turf take care of the work for you. Can I lay a lawn anytime? Turf should quickly establish on warm, moist soil […]
Mowing our next field to be harvested. The weather over the last week has been much better than expected for this time of year and the LC Turf team have been out in full force working hard mowing our next field of quality turf for our customers. our turf is mown with kesmac floating head […]
Caring for your lawn is essential throughout the year. As Autumn approaches we recommend examining your lawn or lawns if you have a front and back garden for any signs of wear-and-tear from the summer months. If necessary you may need to treat your lawn. Applying any necessary treatment in early Autumn allows time for […]
Working with a local web designer we decided it was time to overhaul our branding and website in line with modern standards. We are very happy with the result! It was quite a big task as we offer our turf supplying services across a vast area of the UK incorporating towns and cities in Cambridgeshire, […]
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